Choose service: *
Verification period : *
Company name(identification number) : *
Contact data(Address and so on): : *
Company Owner : *
Foundation date : *
Type of activity(main direction) : *
Number of employees : *
Name of accounting programs : *
Company property (Tangible and intangible) : *
Average customs received per month number of declarations : *
The amount of cash turnover per month: *
Number of bank accounts : *
Whether an audit has been conducted previously (when) : *
Phone : *
Email : *
Financial manager, chief accountant : *
Number of founders : *
Authorised capital : *
Income from sales to be verified : *
Number and type of vehicles : *
Are you a VAT payer (since) : *
Do you have exports / imports? : *
Average monthly invoices and commodity waybills : *
Do you use cash registers? (how many) : *
Amount of the loan agreement. (with legal entities and individuals) : *
Whether there are leasing agreements : *
Desired deadlines for auditing : *